Friday, November 30, 2012

How Do We Handle Reading a Tough Novel?

I've been thinking a lot this year about how to get more feedback from students to make our time together more effective.  Today, our fourth day working through the tough classic The Outsiders, I wanted to know how students were handling the layers of reading they need to do -- the literal comprehension, the interpretation, the reflection, and oh, right, the enjoyment!

Students let me know how they were annotating the text and how it was going.  A few notes, as you can see above:

  • Some students are going to painstaking effort to show their thinking -- emphasis on the pain. This is no good.
  • Some students want to listen to me read aloud or listen to the fun voice on the CD, but they can't figure out the best way to listen, read along, and record their questions and other thoughts
  • Students are doing a lot of questioning in the book and marking more questions than any other group I've had -- this has actually taken the place of more traditional predictions in our room, because we're focused on idea that come directly from the text and we anticipate will be answered by the text. (Ditto connections -- our emphasis is connecting ideas within the book) I'm pleased that our KNOW/WONDER emphasis has carried over from Wonder, which was an easier book to understand
So, we used this feedback to create the following guide/anchor chart:

Yeah... it's super messy. Thinking is that way sometimes.

We decided it was important for us to discuss three things, as we reflected on our reading processes with rigorous texts:

  • Reviewed the purpose of annotating (it's a process to help us, not a product for them to show me)
  • Reviewed other phrases past teachers have used to describe annotating
  • Reflected on the benefits of recording our thinking

We also came up with a better game plan for next week.  Students in all classes are nearly evenly divided by how they think they can most effectively read and think about the text.  We decided that they can pick from these three in-class reading options:

  • Reading silently and checking in with a peer or me
  • Having me read aloud to them in a small group (a few in block 3/4 helpfully suggested I attend play practice to pick up some new reading techniques ;))
  • Listening to the CD in a small group and deciding as they go when they should stop it to talk and record their thoughts.  Block 5/7 suggested the best places to stop might be the places where SE Hinton made an extra block of space, because it looks like that is where scenes or big ideas change.


  1. I like listening to the recording because I love the voice of the character.


  2. I did very good yesterday with Mrs. Taylor (being able to keep).


  3. I like how we get to pick on how to read.


  4. I really like people's thoughts and strategies they use when it comes to reading.


  5. I read while I annotate. It's easier. But I also like it when we stop every couple pages.


  6. While reading The Outsiders I liked the group we were in and I think it's easier to write things down listening to you other than the computer and I like hearing one voice other than multiple voices.


  7. It is going good because when you read it's at the right speed for me to write and listen.

